
Meeting Minutes / 2019 IB meetings / 4th Meeting Minutes 20191017










1.      IB社群近期研習宣導

2.      ATT&ATL分組討論與內容分享

Q1 : We want to create inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people. How does the IB program propose to do just that?

Q2 :What do employers expect from employees today?  How can our students fill the employment needs of the future?

Q3 :What does “cognitive” mean to you?

Q4 :What is metacognition?  How can we teach that?






I.         IB社群紀錄








分組討論與分享 Group A



分組討論與分享 Group B



分組討論與分享 Group C



分組討論與分享 Group D



分組討論與分享 Group E


II.       問題討論與紀錄

Q1: We want to create inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people. How does the IB program propose to do just that?

Group A

A teacher should be inquirers, knowledgeable and caring him or herself. Based on the IB learner profile, teachers may create inquirers by asking students to observe a picture or a video showing a nature phenomenon and then have them guess what happens and how it happens. In order to make students knowledgeable, teaching should focus on the concepts. Students who are caring are concerned about global and local issues, and they can learn to care by doing CAS.

Group B

Through ATL, CAS, EE five skills and cross-field learning programs, IB students can meet the purpose of being an IB leaner. In other words, the IB program itself strives to create inquiring, knowledgeable and caring students, which is articulated in the learner profile.

Group C :

There should be a shift of the teacher’s role. Teachers should assume their role as a guide and help students to think and explore instead of lecturing.

Group D :

Every class focuses on only one profile of IB learner. Take the PE class for example, how to create inquirers in PE class?

If a student cannot do forearm pass against the wall continuously, we may ask him/her to observe the movement/action of those who can, and then have him/her talk about the difference. In this way, the student may improve after revisions and practice.

Group E :

In the IB program, there are various way to achieve this goal, such as the experiential learning, problem-based learning, case-based learning, discovery learning, or the core subject of IB, which include TOK, CAS, and EE.

Q2: What do employers expect from employees today? How can our students fill the employment needs of the future?

Group A 

We think employers expect their employees to be easy to communicate, active, able to work in a team, caring, and creative. In order to help our students fill the employment needs of the future, we may need to develop the students’ multi-language abilities (ex. English, French, Japanese, German, and Spanish in our school). We also need to provide opportunities for group work and oral presentation. Doing community service is important because students learn to care about others and the community. Last but not least, we may set up a real-life situation and encourage students to think of creative ways to solve it.

Group B

Employers may prefer employees with creativity, resilience, and language abilities. It would be great if their employees are lifelong learners. Creativity can be developed through group discussion, teamwork and open-ended questions. In the classroom, students can learn to deal with pressure and difficulties by giving a speech or an oral presentation in public. Multilingual learning environment also facilitates language acquisition.

Group C

Through the IB courses, students are expected to meet the employment needs by developing the following skills: self-learning, problem-solving, attitude, self-management, and cooperation.

Group D

We want to focus on one of the important employment needs, which is communication skills. Communicators (teamwork) are highly stressed in the IB learner profile. Take chemistry class for example. Students have to communicate, cooperate and distribute work in order to perform a successful chemistry experiment.

Group E

We link the employment needs with the ATL skills of the IB program because they are thought to be related to each other: communication skills, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, professionalism and work ethic, teamwork and collaboration skills.

Q3: What does “cognitive” mean to you?

Group A

“Cognitive” refers to information-processing and thinking skills, or we may say, study skills.

Thinking process includes the following steps: to classify, comprehend, analyze, digest, reflect the information and come up with a conclusion.

Group B

We think “cognitive” means to understand the main concepts of the subjects. For example, in PE class, students take the following steps: imitationàpracticeàactionàrevisionàstrategy.

Group C

The word “cognitive” is connected with thinking and is a mental process.

Group D

Cognition is knowledge, which is to know “what”, or the approaches to knowledge, which is the norm for the teaching now.

Group E

To us, “cognitive” is related to subjective or objective understanding or opinions.

Q4 : What is metacognition?  How can we teach that?

Group A

1. Metacognitive: It’s a skill that students can use to monitor the effectiveness of their learning skills and process to better understand and evaluate their learning.

2. Reflection: We may teach metacognition through reflective essays, reading logs, case studies, oral presentations, video diaries, discussion, photos or images that promote discussion, portfolios.

Group B

“Metacognitive” indicates the process to reflect its previous learning, and to revise its learning strategy.

Group C

“Metacognitive” can be taught by focusing on how to use particular strategies to improve performance and why they choose these strategies.

Group D

Metacognitive refers to awareness or analysis of one’s own learning or thinking process.

Group E

Metacognitive is the process of monitor the effectiveness of student learning. We may ask students what they learn in class and request them to reflect on their learning. Some of the possible teaching activities include: reflective essay or reading logs (written form), presentations, video diaries (oral form) and artistic/creative works.



